Canadian Silkens participate in conformation events with the United Kennel Club, American Rare Breed Association and ABI Dog Shows
Silkens in Canada can do obedience with the United Kennel Club and the Australian Shepherd Club of American .
Rally Obedience
Rally-Obedience can be trialed in Canada with the United Kennel Club and the Australian Shepherd Club of American .
Straight & Oval Racing
Link to the Racing Calendar for the Canadian Amateur Racing Association
at the bottom of this page. Silkens run for fun (and points & titles) with the Canadian Amatuer Racing Assn. in both straight and oval racing. The first Silken race was in 2014 and in 2015 Silkens were accepted into the regular stakes.
Lure Coursing
Windhounds in Canada lure course with UKC and with ASFA The first ASFA lure coursing in Canada was held in May 2017 and Silken Windhounds participated both days.
Trick titles and trick championships can be earned on Kyla Sundance's Do More With Your Dog program. The dog depicted in the above video is the first Silken Windhound Trick Dog Champion. Learn more here:
Windhounds currently do agility in Canada with the United Kennel Club, the Agility Association of Canada and the Australian Shepherd Club of America .
Nose work is done with . There are many Silkens excelling at Nose work.
Tracking can be done anywhere and there is not much needed to start. Dogs learn to first track your scent on a track that you have lain and then learn to track others. As they progress you add turns, age the tracks and different terrains. They love it! The above track was a two year old on his first day ever tracking in the Newcastle area of Ontario, Canada with the local tracking club there.
Canadian Amatuer Racing Association
Upcoming Events:
For Silken Windhounds...
Ontario Conformation Shows: 2022 UKC March Classic - Sun March 27th Oxford Dog Sports Entries Open: March, 1 2022 Pre-Entry Deadline: Received By March, 23 2022 Show #1 - 9:00 Judge - Lynda Proulx Show #2 - following Show #1 Jude - Mike Keeler Please send Pre-Entries to: Allie Pastoor 907168 TWP Rd 12 Bright, ON N0J 1B0 Canada [email protected] PRE-ENTRY FEE Entry Fee Conformation $30.00 LOCATION Oxford Dog Sports 907168 TWP Rd 12 Blenheim (Bright), ON N0J 1B0 Canada (Indoors) |
Ontario ASFA Lure Coursing:
28th & 29th of May All-breed & LCI offered. Flamboro, ON Host Club: NAA 24th & 25th of September All-breed & LCI offered. Flamboro, ON Host Club: NAA Ontario CARA Racing: 14th May Premium List on CARA Racing Site Link Above: Host Club: ORA 200 YARD STRAIGHTS ROLL CALL 10:00 A.M. Codrington, ON Alberta CARA Racing: June 4th & 5th June Premium List on CARA Racing Site Link Above: Host Club: GBRA 200 Yard Straights Saturday 350 U-val Sunday South Cooking Lake (Sherwood Park), AB SilkenFest 2022 - Silken Windhound National Specialty Purina Farms, Gray Summit, Missouri, USA June 8-14, 2022 Premium below: ![]()
First International Silken Windhound Society shows in Canada!
Saturday, 24th of September, 2022
two ISWS conformation specialty shows
Judges: Merla Thomson & Valerie Hansen
Sunday, 25th of September, 2022
two ISWS Fast Dashes, CGN's & CGC's
3 Sterling Estates, Rocky View County, Alberta, Canada
We will have tons of prizes & ribbons, a BBQ and a silent auction.
Donations are welcome to help off set the cost and donations for the auction items.
This will be our time to shine!
Come one; come all!!
For more information, to volunteer/help, please contact:
Alex Kovacs NavyRose Borzoi & Silkens on Facebook Messenger.
Regular show classes offered:
Canadian Bred, American Bred, Open, Best of Breed, over 6 months and under 9 months puppy,
over 9 months but under 12 months puppy, over 12 months but under 18 months puppy,
Novice, Bred-By Exhibitor, Field Performance Champion
Non-Regular classes offered:
Veterans 7 & Older, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace
Non-Regular Altered Classes offered:
Altered Novice, Altered Open, Best of Altered, Best of Breed Altered
Coming up....